Strong Kids Campaign
Giving That Changes Lives
Together We Can Be More. Do More. Give More.
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to succeed. Funds raised through the Strong Kids Campaign at the Aberdeen Family YMCA allows the Y to provide scholarships for kids, families, and individuals to learn life skills through different programs such as swimming lessons, basketball, health and wellness, child care and more.
You Make More Possible
How will your donation impact local youth and families
Provides 5 days of meals for a child at the Youth Development Center.
Gives the opportunity for a child to explore a new sport, like archery or volleyball.
Provides a child 2 weeks of school age care.
Allows 12 children to participate in a session of swim lessons.
Gives 4 children access to the Y for a year with a youth membership
By donating today, you can change a life tomorrow! Here are the ways to make your impact:
Donate online
Donate by mail:
Aberdeen Family YMCA
5 S. State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
*please make checks payable to Aberdeen Family YMCA, SKC
Donate by adding to your Y membership:
We can add your donation to your monthly bank draft. See Member Services to get this started.
Donate by phone:
Give us a call at 605-225-4910
Call or email the YMCA